Thursday, February 19, 2009

22 and learning

I guess that means I’m a pimp on par
Till I’m six feet under like it’s three niggas in that Flinstones’ car
-Lupe Fiasco

It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you (left you) without a dope blog to step to… maybe?

Well, it’s been well over a month since my last post and it was recently brought to my attention by one of the few people in my life who actually matter.

She asked why I hadn’t written in a while and I told her because no one reads it. She said that she does, and well, I guess that’s all that matters, right?

I’ve written before that it’s depressing and pointless being a writer with no readers, and well, nothing has changed since then. I still write, and I still want people to read, but it’s to the point where I’m not writing because no one is reading. How do you remedy this?

I feel there is only two ways to remedy the problem. Either you just stop writing altogether so you theoretically don’t have to worry about people not reading your stuff or you can continue writing until you earn your readership. The former is definitely easier than the latter because you don’t have to motivate yourself to not do something. Being lazy is natural, it comes easy to all of us. It takes a lot to put your work out and see it go unacknowledged day in and day out, but I guess that’s what comes with the territory of being in love with a medium that requires people to concentrate on something that isn’t really moving.

The thing is, if I had worked at my craft like I promised myself I would (apparently men don’t only forget promises they make to other people, but they forget the promises they make to themselves) than I would be creating images that move. That’s what, in my humble opinion, good writing does. It gives the illusion of a moving image. When I read guys like Chuck Klosterman or Bill Simmons I can see what they’re writing about, which is why they’re so well read. It may have taken me 22 years to figure this out, but I think I know what I need to be doing.

In this last month and a half I’ve written two or three articles for, none of which were read by any of the three people I’m closest to outside of my immediate family. What I’ve learned is that when it comes to being supported as I continue my quest in making writing my profession, I really can’t count on anyone, not even my closest friends. I’m okay with this. I really am. I can’t force people who don’t like to read to read, and I can’t force people who do like to read to read what I write. I’m not their conjectural cup of tea (or bottle of Gatorade).

I’ve learned a few other things since the beginning of the new year:

1. 98 percent of all women I MEET (note that I’m stressing the women I meet) are stupid. So is looking for love. People in bad relationships are in that situation because they were looking for love instead of happiness. Look for someone who is going to make you happy and love will come later. I guarantee it.

2. I’m way too nice of a person. When it’s a shock when I raise my voice at someone (because in reality, I just don’t yell at people) – even after they’ve already raised their voice at me, it means you’re too nice and you need to start cussing more people out.

3. I can’t associate myself with anyone who can’t respect the fact that I love basketball more than life itself. It’s who I am, it’s what I love and it’s not changing.

4. I also can’t associate myself with people who aren’t passionate about anything. While thinking about my favorite people, most of whom I see on a daily basis, I realized that all of them are passionate about something. Of all of the people who I can’t stand, I can’t think of anything they’re passionate about. Go figure.

5. If I’m not writing, I’m not doing anything. I might as well start writing more.



Long Overdue.
Best way to sum up this or ANY entry you may have posted.

Your writing is fine as is homie....thing is, are you pimping it out as much as you should be? When I want something of mine read, I pimp that bitch like she's Summer Walker with a confidence problem.

I like to think that I read most of your shit and respond to generally all of it, so you got another loyal reader in me. Talkhoops, I barely checked out that site and responded to an entry a week ago and plan to read anything you throw up on there as well.

I'm glad you realized your 2 choices and decided to go with the latter. Don't be a fuckin bum like Mike Turner. That clown shut down his blog BECAUSE of the pressure.

Besides, its almost time for 40 Games in 40 Nights....wooooooooooo.

Let the playoff hunt begin!

Trade deadline is tonight.

Meero said...

i donno if i matter but i read your blogs...haha
some of them crack me up and some are just interesting to read
some people just dont appreciate good writing.

Anonymous said...

I have always read your blogs. Even if I don't comment everytime. Don't ever give up just because no one is reading. One people will read your words. Be patient.

Anonymous said...

"She asked why I hadn’t written in a while and I told her because no one reads it. She said that she does, and well, I guess that’s all that matters, right?"


It takes a lot to put your work out and see it go unacknowledged day in and day out, but I guess that’s what comes with the territory of being in love with a medium that requires people to concentrate on something that isn’t really moving.

Trust I feel you on that.

Marketing sucks when you really just to write, right?
Anyone who puts a concerted amount of effort into a project and don’t receive to reception that that work deserves will hold feelings on the opposite side of positive about it. I’ve went from no readers to a relatively decent amount of readers, to damn near none. (From Marcy to Hollywood and Back Again……) Been on writing highs…to being overwhelmed by writers depression. Regardless only one constant remains. I love writing. So I would be doing a injustice to myself if I stopped doing something that I hold that dear. Same goes for you fam…And trust.. Even when them numbers are low on your views, somebody is reading, and really feeling your work. Most people are just silent, comments are a form of writing, which goes back into the whole lazy thing.

I think your good yo. And by no means is that you happen to come thru and check my ish, but because your work speaks for itself. I generally categorize things in 3 ways:
Some vartion of Good, Allright and Wack

Your in the former category yo, which is saying something in my view cuz my love of basketball has decreased every year since the Riot at the Palace (fuck malice, that’s just semantics) so the subject matter aint always in my lane but still comes thru.

Not to slander humanity, but a lot of people are stupid, lazy, or simply bombarded with a plethora of stimulus vying for their attention. Reading takes dedication and focus which something the good ole US of A doesn’t promote or excel in much these days.

The women thing is harsh…but those are the you meet…

I feel you on the being to nice thing..(which is funny/odd cuz when E first you and your writing fam she was like “He’s like another you…accept well young lol” And that’s has been a part of my personality I’ve had to sadly change.

I’m firm believer assholes create other assholes….

Sad but true…. Can’t be nice to everyone yo…

jessie. said...

1. please don't stop being nice.
2. i'm sorry you are meeting a bunch of dumb b*tches [lolol at that asterick], that sounds very unfortunate and depressing.
3. whenever i ask you to write a blog so i can read it, i seriously mean it. hahaha

keep writing. please. thanks.